Some countries like Canada, Sweden and Denmark have freezing cold temperature throughout the year while others like Australia, Pakistan and India face immense winter season. This low temperature makes the water in the tanks extremely cold and even frozen in some areas that it becomes impossible to use tap water without heating. It can be a total mess and time wastage to heat water every now and then for general purpose. Therefore, hot water cylinder can offer a convenient solution for 24/7 availability of hot water for bathing, washing and laundry use by just opening a tap connected to the cylinder.
A hot water tank or cylinder is a water tank used to store hot water. Unlike normal water tank, a hot water tank is wrapped up in heat insulation material for quick warming of water and to keep the water hot for a long time. These tanks can use built-in gas or oil burner systems later being the most commonly used. Following the technical specifications is a necessary part because that much hot water can cause injuries or burn the skin. Therefore, thermostats are used which keep the water temperature at a max of 49 degree Celsius. However, it is scientifically proven that water stored below 60 degrees can store bacteria which can lead to health conditions for people with a poor immune system. In this case, mixers can be used at outlets to mix the cold water with hot so that the temperature remains below 49 but these mixers need to be operated in a technical way such that the extremely hot water is not yielded by the taps and injury is prevented. In areas with local water having dissolved minerals, heating the water can cause scaling in the tank which may lead to leak or corrosion in tank and fittings. Leakage of hot water at beyond 49 degrees can be alarming and may need to call in emergency plumbers to fix the leakage or repair the tank.
Apart from extremely cold weather, these hot water cylinders are useful during summer as well for elderly or children as well as for washing purposes because hot water can remove stains quickly compared to cold. The most appealing part is that these cylinders are nor very expansive and everyone can easily afford to install one but it offers great convenience which can compensate the cost in a few months.